When my daughter Rachel and I were studying science back in the days of our Spurgeon Academy Home School Academy, I remember that in one...
Its Only Words...
We do not know what he said in his face to face meetings with his friends. We do know what he wrote. Although the Apostle John states in...
It’s Hard to Pray When We Can’t Think - Philippians 1.3-11
Whatever reason we can craft as the excuse as to why we do not pray as we should for one another, perhaps the most truthful of all is...
Don't Forget To Remember!
I often wonder why it is as we progress in this earthly process called aging that our memory seems to lose the ability to retain its...
Believe it...or not.
Some minds cannot be changed. As often as we might attempt to persuade both the religious and the unreligious of the beauty of the...
Is God Writing Yours?
Somebody once said that God is in the business of writing final chapters in our lives. In speaking of final chapters, we are not relating...