The Way It Is: Backwards, Sideways, Opposites - 1 Corinthians 1. 24-31
God is a surprising God! Although we are graciously and marvelously created in His image and likeness, there is still so much to learn...
Is there Something Missing? Romans 15 and 16
Something must have been missing. Everything seemed to be in place. The letter flowed so well. It appeared so orderly. At least until...
The Parable of the Sower: An Encouragement To Evangelism – Matthew 13. 1-23
Once there was a man who owned a small plot of ground. One day he said to himself what shall I do with this land, why let it stand idle?...
Is There A Mystical Encounter With The Lord Jesus Christ In The Sacrament Of The Holy Communion,Pt. 4
(Continuing From Part 3 of this Blog) B. The mystical quality of the Holy Communion. Just as the monergistic act of regeneration on the...
Is There A Mystical Encounter With The Lord Jesus Christ In The Sacrament Of The Holy Communion, Pt. 3
A. The Christian’s communion with Christ in the Eucharistic sacrament of the Holy Communion 1. The meaning of the Holy Communion with...
Is There A Mystical Encounter With The Lord Jesus Christ In The Sacrament Of The Holy Communion, Pt. 2
1. It is a life-giving action (Ephesians 2. 4-5) This God-initiated regeneration accomplishes exactly what He means it to do. Through the...
Is There A Mystical Encounter With The Lord Jesus Christ In The Sacrament Of The Holy Communion, Pt. 1
"Indeed, the believer, when he sees sacraments with his own eyes, does not halt at the physical sight of them, but by those steps (which...
...New...and Improved!
We are so fickle. We are so prone to change. Perpetual change it seems. Out with the old, in with the new. Time to get a new car. A new...
Operation Christian Freedom!
Joni Mitchell sang out her warning in another context: “ don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone...”. This was a rather popular...
The Revealing Science of God
Excellence is brilliance. Excellence is superiority. Excellence is distinction. Excellence is what sets the Lord Jesus Christ apart from...